вторник, 10 июля 2012 г.

The Moscow Kremlin

The Moscow Kremlin - the greatest monument to the history of our country, brilliant creation of the Russian national art and architecture. It merged the heroic past of the Russian people and its great now. Each tower, each building of the Kremlin - the witnesses of the glorious history of our state.

On the territory of our country there are numerous ancient Kremlin. Among them are such great monuments as Pskov, Novgorod, Tula, Nizhny Novgorod, Kolomna, Astrakhan, Smolensky kremlins and many others. But the Moscow Kremlin stands out among them, but also among many architectural ensembles of the world unity, completeness and picturesqueness of his ensemble. As the primordial center of the Russian land, national crafts and culture, he attracted the best urban planners, carpenters, blacksmiths, artists and artisans of all the people who brought with them centuries of tradition, experience and skill of its people. Embodying all the finest that I have made the national genius, the Kremlin in Moscow has become a kind of school for Russian artists and served as a model for the construction of many other cities in the Kremlin in the Old State XVI and XVII centuries.

History of the Moscow Kremlin extends far into the depths of centuries. The first annalistic mention of Moscow dates back to 1147, when the Suzdal Prince Yuri Dolgoruky invited me to visit to Moscow, Novgorod-Seversky Svyatoslav Olgovich: "Come to me, brother, at Moscow." This was probably not a simple invitation to a feast, and the first calls for Moscow to unite the warring separate unit of the Russian principalities. In 1156, when Moscow was already a substantial settlement on the high Borovitsky hill, on the banks of the Moskva River and the mouth of the river Neglinnaya were built the first wooden wall. Moscow quickly began to grow and develop as an advantageous location on the trade routes of the Russian Plain.

For many years in Russia was not a single state, and isolated fiefdoms constantly at odds with each other. Therefore, surging from the east in the XIII century. Tartar-Mongol hordes were able to capture many of the Russian land. In 1238, as the chronicle of Tver, the Tatar khan Batu took and destroyed Moscow and the Kremlin, with all the buildings burned to the ground.

Moscow has suffered many times from the Tatar invasions, but still rose from the ashes of the fires, and with even greater force defended its independence.

A clever politician Grand Prince Ivan Kalita in the period of the Mongol-Tatar yoke will strengthen Moscow principality, increasing its political and economic power. This gave Kalita opportunity to start rebuilding the Moscow Kremlin. From 1326 to 1340 in the Kremlin were built of stone churches, and the Archangel Cathedral of the Assumption, the new prince's mansion, and in 1339-1340 years. - Strong oak walls. Moscow became the center of secular and spiritual life, and the Kremlin - the residence of the great princes and metropolitans of Moscow.

Increasing the power of Moscow in the second half of XIV century., As well as a constant military threat, mainly from the Tatar khans, led grandson Ivan Kalita - Grand Prince Dmitry Donskoy in 1367 to begin the construction of white stone walls and towers of the Kremlin. During this period, the Kremlin built stone churches, a monastery Miracles (1358) and the new prince's mansion. A little later was elevated to Ascension Monastery (1390). For Moscow, the name of the white stone stronger.

It was not yet fully completed the construction of the Kremlin, both of Moscow threatened a new invasion. In 1380 there was a battle of Kulikov, in which the shelves Dimitri Donskoy Khan routed the hordes of Mamaia. Kulikovo battle was a turning point in the history of the Moscow principality. It has contributed to the liberation of Russia from the Tatar yoke and the formation of the end of the XV century. centralized Russian state.

When the great prince of Moscow Ivan III, Moscow became the capital of the united Russian principalities and stands among the other cities of ancient Russia.

Ancient Kremlin could no longer meet the demands of the new state and the more it is located in the courtyard of the Grand Duke of All Russia. In the Moscow Kremlin began a grand building, which in Moscow invited Italian architects: Aristotle Fioravanti, Peter Antonio Solarium, Marco Ruffo, New Aleviz, Bon Fryazin and others. Working in collaboration with the Russian masters, they not only take into account the local conditions of construction, but also constantly under the influence of Russian building traditions. Therefore, their work was wholly imbued with the spirit of the Russian national architecture.

In place of crumbling white stone fortifications of the Kremlin's time Dmitri Donskoi built of brick new mighty walls and towers. Constructed the magnificent Assumption and Annunciation Cathedral, Palace of Facets, the prince's tomb is laid - Archangel Cathedral, expanding the territory of the Kremlin. Construction work continued on improving strength and son of Ivan III, Grand Prince Vasily Ivanovich, until in 1516 the walls of the Kremlin from Red Square, was built trench depth of 12 and 32 m wide, linking the river with the river Neglinnaya Moscow. Now the Kremlin, surrounded on all sides by water hazard, the island became a powerful stronghold of his time. In the center of the Kremlin was built patrol signal tower, known as Ivan the Great Bell. Its modern form it acquired during Boris Godunov in 1600

XVII century wrote a new chapter in the history of the Moscow Kremlin. Strengthening of the Russian state in this century contributed to the flourishing Russian art and architecture. In the Moscow Kremlin capitally repaired and rebuilt dilapidated buildings on the site of the old palace of palaces built of stone construction - tower.

From 1635 to 1656 the Patriarch's Palace and erected a small church "Twelve Apostles". After a fire in 1682 again finished with the ancient Palace of Facets. The Kremlin's towers are decorated with high ornate brick tents with tiled coverings and gilded weather vanes.

And again, sizzling fire in 1701 destroyed all the wooden buildings in the northwestern part of the Kremlin. In place of the burnt houses Zhitnaya on the orders of Peter I in 1702 laid a huge building of the Arsenal, intended as a storehouse of weapons and war trophies. Complicated by the international situation and the impending war with the Swedes in the early XVIII century. necessitated the urgent strengthening of the Kremlin, in accordance with the military equipment of the time.

In 1707 along the walls and towers were erected bastions, digging ditches. The Kremlin was willing to repel the invaders Swedish, but the glorious victory of the Russian army at Poltava averted the danger from Moscow. Since 1713, Moscow is giving way to new capital - St. Petersburg and the Kremlin has become a place of temporary stay of the royal court. Here come emperors and empresses in the coronation, the worship of ancestors and the "holy places" of the Kremlin. Despite this, the Kremlin during the XVIII century, was in disrepair. The documents, many of its buildings have not been repaired for a long time after the fire and fell into disrepair. For example, in 1737 during the big so-called Trinity fire killed almost all the wooden buildings of the Kremlin and burned inside the stone structure. The newly built Arsenal was devastated by fire and was not restored for many years.

In 1749 at the site of the old royal mansion architect B. Rastrelli erected a small palace for the Empress Elizabeth.

Only in the second half of XVIII century, a lively start construction work in the Kremlin. Designed by the architect VI Bazhenov in 1773 at the foot of the Kremlin hill, almost on the banks of the Moskva River, was laid great Kremlin Palace. The main facade was to go to the embankment of the Moskva River and its side wings cover all the ancient buildings of the Kremlin. However, the construction of the palace due to lack of funds in the treasury has not been implemented. In subsequent years (1776-1788) architect MF Kazakov built a beautiful building of the Senate.

As of 1806-1812. Architect IV Egotov constructing the first building to the Armory, where it was before 1851

1812 - a memorable year in the history of Moscow and the Russian state. In September, the hordes of Napoleon entered Moscow, and took the Kremlin. But soon the French army was forced to flee the city. Leaving Moscow, Napoleon was ordered to blow up the Kremlin. Only through the courage of the French Muscovites could not be implemented until the end of his evil plan. Explosions destroyed Vodovzvodnaya, 1st Nameless Tower, and Peter, Belfry. Received a lot of damage, and Arsenals Nicholas Tower, a minor - and Borovitskaya Corner Arsenal Tower. The remaining buildings were saved from extermination.

After the expulsion of Napoleon's troops from Russia, the Kremlin's buildings have been restored. Ancient ditch near the Kremlin on Red Square as unnecessary asleep, Peter sryli bastions. In 1821 on the site of the river Neglinnaya enclosed in a stone chimney, was a garden, named Alexander.

In the middle of the XIX century. dilapidated and often tunable dismantled palace of Empress Elizabeth. In its place in the 1838-1849 years. designed by the architect KA Ton has been built the Great Kremlin Palace. Next to the palace in 1851 constructed a new building and the Armory building residential apartments for the children of the royal family. In the second half of XIX century. capitally repaired the walls and towers of the Kremlin Palace and the Terem ponovlyayutsya almost all the churches.

The Great October Socialist Revolution opened a new era in the history of the Moscow Kremlin. On the night of 25 to 26 October (from 7 to 8 November, New Style) 1917 in Petrograd the revolutionary troops stormed the Winter Palace and arrested the Provisional Government. In Petrograd Soviet power was established, and in Moscow were still stubborn, bloody battles. The counter-revolutionary forces opened an armed struggle against the workers and soldiers, have thrown all their forces to capture the Kremlin, which were revolutionary-minded of the 56th Regiment and the team at Arsenal. October 28 (November 10) in 1917 with the help of provocation cadets managed to break into the Kremlin. Under the pretext of checking they have built a soldier of the 56th Regiment and the team at Arsenal and shot them. October 31 (November 13) at 12:00 revolutionary forces began shelling the Spassky Gate, and by dawn 3 (16) November captured the Kremlin. Taking the Kremlin has been completed the victory of the revolution in Moscow. In March 1918, in Moscow, the Kremlin has moved from Petrograd Soviet government. Since then, the ancient capital of Moscow turned into a new Soviet state and the Kremlin became the residence of the Soviet Government. Here were the highest state authorities of the country - the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR and the USSR Council of Ministers.

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